Seven photos on the seventh of the month - a no pressure photo project with like-minded photo friends. No rules and no themes - just tell a story with some favourite photos from the previous month, and link to the next person in line!
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I didn't even know where to start for this post. After spending two weeks in the mountains of Alberta, with splendid vistas in literally every direction and amazing experiences with my entire family, I'm supposed to wrap it up with only seven photos?
Let's start with the reflective, emerald, glacier-fed lakes. As I commented to a friend on Instagram after my third (or fourth or seventh?) lake photo, they are derivative yet irresistible. And I was thrilled by every single one.
Emerald Lake, AB
Bow Lake, AB
Lake Minnewanka, AB
And then the valleys that go on and on and on....
Bow Valley, AB
And then there was our visit to the "toe" of the Athabasca Glacier. Where we stood in awe and heartbreak at the amount of recession - hundreds of meters - since my last visit as a teen.
Athabasca Glacier, Columbia Icefields, AB
We hiked, we swam, and we even had high tea at the Banff Springs Hotel.
Highly recommended.
Banff Springs Hotel, AB
When we returned from our trip, re-entry hit hard. We clung to our vacation mindset as long as possible with a visit to the beach, but reality hit not long after. But what a trip, and how lucky we are that we get to return to our adopted home which is just as beautiful.
Stinson Beach, CA
These photos are all from my iPhone. I took very few on my Canon, but who knows what gems might reveal themselves when I finally get around to processing them. And these photos, except for the last one of my daughter, don't even touch on the people - my family - with whom I shared this trip. My parents (who celebrated their 60th anniversary), my sister and nieces, my husband and daughter, and my cousin who lives in the town where we stayed. There might have to be an August 7 on 7, Part 2!!
(Click HERE to see more from the trip on Instagram)
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Please visit my friend Kristina Rust for her stunning 7 on 7 post (the light of Spain, oh my!),
then click through to the next person in our blog roll to see what we've all been up to.